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NDHSAA Special Board Meeting - 4-14-20

North Dakota High School Activities Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Conference Call
April 14, 2020 – 10:00 am

Committee Meetings
Thursday, April 2
10:30 am – Finance/Personnel & Policy (Brandt, Privratsky, Schoch) – Conference Call

Friday, April 3
10:00 am – Tournament (Jordan, Jundt, Rerick, Sorlie) – Conference Call

Tuesday, April 7
2:00 pm – Esports Ad Hoc (Rerick, Brandt, Jordan, Fetsch) – Conference Call

Wednesday, April 8
10:00 am – Combined Tournament (Jordan, Jundt, Rerick, Sorlie) – Conference Call
10:30 am – Tournament (Jordan, Jundt, Rerick, Sorlie) – Conference Call


  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes
    1. March 31, 2020
  4. Finance/Personnel & Policy Committee Report
    1. Jeremy Brandt, Committee Chair, will provide the Board with a committee report
  5. Tournament Committee Report
    1. Travis Jordan, Committee Chair, will provide the Board with a committee report
  6. Combined Tournament Committee Report
    1. Travis Jordan, Committee Chair, will provide the Board with a committee report
  7. Esports Ad Hoc Committee Report
    1. Mark Rerick, Committee Chair, will provide the Board with a committee report
  8. Board Correspondence
    1. EDC Track & Field Coaches
  9. Other
  10. Next Meeting – Location, Date and Time
Updated on

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