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Board Meeting 9-23-09

NDHSAA Board Agenda
With Exec. Sec. Comments
September 23, 2009

1.     Call Meeting to Order

2.     Approval of Agenda

3.     Minutes
a.     August 6

4.     Financial Report
a.     Balance sheet, budget and savings/investments

5.      Coop Dissolutions
a.     McClusky and Drake/Anamoose in FB, 7-12, 2010-11

6.      Coops
a. Hettinger, Scranton, Lemmon, Mott-Regent and Harding Co, Baseball, 7-12, 2009-10

7.     Executive Board Report
a.     The Executive Board has met and reviewed requests for emergency coop applications.  Jeff Schatz will provide a report to the Board.

8.     Scranton High School (9:30 audience)
a.     Scranton High School has made a formal appeal to the Board for reconsideration of the recent decision to deny the dissolution of the Bowman County and Scranton Football coop.  Scranton had requested the dissolution and approval of a football coop with Hettinger HS.

9.     Kidder County-Steele High School (10:00 Audience)
a.     Steele High School has requested an appeal to the Executive Secretary denial of a hardship.  Information will be distributed at the meeting.

10.  Central Cass High School (10:30 Audience)
a.     Central Cass High School has requested an audience with the Board to appeal the Executive Secretary’s denial of a hardship. Information will be distributed at the meeting.

11.  Football Committee Report
a.     Pete Moe, Chair of the Football Committee will report on:

                                              i.     New plan guidelines

                                             ii.     McClusky and Turtle Lake proposed coop

                                             iii.     Four Winds correspondence

                                            iv.     Design Survey

12.  Finance Committee Report
a.     Dave Looysen will provide a report to the Board on the following:

                                     i.     Audit Report concerning reimbursement methods/rates
                              ii.     Recommend fees for live or delayed televising/webcasting of regional and state volleyball.

13.  Coaching Requirements
a.     A Board member has requested Board discussion regarding the requirement of first aid education for 7-12 athletic coaches in ND.

14.  Montpelior High School
a.     Montpelior High School has requested to be moved from Region VI back to Region V for Play competition.  Attached is a letter from Montpelior HS and Brian Bubach will provide further information to the Board.

15.  Napoleon High School
a.     Attached is a letter from Elroy Burkle, Supt. Napoleon High School requesting the Board to review its policy regarding open gym and out-of-season practice.

16.  Transfer of Care Form
a.     At the last meeting I presented a medical provider “transfer of care form” for you to review.   It was agreed that Gary Thune should review this prior to Board action.  I am still waiting for his opinion but it should be here by meeting date.  If not, it will be placed on the October agenda.

                                               i.     The two options available to the Board are:

1.     To allow other medical providers to provide services at our tournaments.  Transfer of care form needed.

2.     To allow only the contracted medical staff to provide services at the tournament.  Transfer of care form not needed.  Policy statement required.

17.  Other

18.  Rooming List
a.     State Football

b.     State Volleyball

c.     October Board Meeting  

19.   Board Correspondence
a.     Pierce letter
b.     Reitz letter

20.   Representative Reports
a.     This is an opportunity for Board members to bring up issues and concerns that the staff and other Board members should be aware of.

21.   Executive Secretary’s Report
a.     Dakota Bowl handout
b.     State Soccer handout
c.     Hardship Report

22.   Date and time for next meeting.
a.     October 21, Bismarck
b.     October 22, General Assembly, Bismarck

23.   Adjourn

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