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MRSA Information

Skin Infection Webinar

Compliments of a leading healthcare provider in Harrisburg PA and Fresh Health Innovations LLC, the NWCA will provide a FREE web-based skin infection education video to all junior high and high school athletes, coaches, parents, and athletic trainers in America. The webinar focuses on the identification, prevention, and treatment of skin infection in all sports.

Webinar Link –

Center for Disease Control MRSA Information

The truth about methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) may surprise you. MRSA is a type of staph bacteria that causes skin and other kinds of infections. MRSA is sometimes called “the superbug.”

Because skin infections caused by MRSA are increasing, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently launched a campaign to educate schools, coaches, parents and athletes about MRSA. Although most of these skin infections are mild, some infections may become life-threatening. Visit to order or download materials and information to aid in educating schools, coaches, parents and athletes about the signs, symptoms, and proper treatment of MRSA skin infections.

Below are two documents from the CDC with information on MRSA

About MRSA Among Athletes

MRSA Fact Sheet for Sports

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