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NDHSAA/Farmers Union Insurance Distinguished Student Applications Due April 1

NDHSAA/Farmers Union Insurance Distinguished Student Applications are available on the NDHSAA website under “Administrators and Coaches”, then “Forms”.


Objectives & Goals: To recognize deserving young people who are the “backbone” of interscholastic activities, not necessarily the leader, but the individual whose participation in high school activities strengthens the program for participants, the school and the community.

Criteria: Applicant must be a junior the year the application is submitted. Students must be a participant as a player, manager, statistician or other role in at least one NDHSAA sponsored activity in the current year. Note: Participation does not necessarily mean excellence, honors or even active play. Student must be a good citizen and role model to his/her peers as well as a contributor to the community. The committee will evaluate applicants’ essays on their demonstration of sportsmanship and citizenship and how the applicant feels these values derived from activities will provide them lifelong benefits.

Selection Process: One applicant per school is allowed. A pre-screening committee will narrow the applicants to six finalists. The  final selection will be based upon an interview conducted by a Selection Committee. Immediately following the interviews, the results will be announced at an NDHSAA sponsored luncheon for finalists and their families. The student must be available for interviews the ENTIRE morning of Wednesday, April 30 at Farmers Union Insurance Headquarters in Jamestown.

Deadlines: Completed application forms must be postmarked no later than April 1. Applications postmarked after April 1 will not be considered. Emailed PDF’s of the application are preferred. Finalists will be notified by mid-April. Interviews and the luncheon announcing the results will be held April 30.

Awards: All applicants of the NDHSAA Distinguished Student Program will receive a certificate suitable for framing. A press release naming all applicants will be sent statewide. Finalists will be featured in the Fall issue of the NDHSAA Bulletin. They will also be invited to participate in other functions connected with NDHSAA events. Farmers Union Insurance has graciously funded scholarships for the finalists. The NDHSAA Distinguished Student recipient will receive a $2,000 scholarship to the college of his/her choice. The runner-up will receive a $1,000 scholarship. The other four finalists will receive a $500 scholarship to the college of his/her choice. The Distinguished Student will be invited to be the Grand Marshall of the NDHSAA Parade of Champions and, along with the other  finalists, participate in other activities such as serving as the NDHSAA spokesperson for High School Activities Month, promoting the values of activity programs and participating in awarding of trophies at NDHSAA state contests.

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