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Beach High School

Address: 600 N. Central Ave, Beach, ND 58621-0368

Mailing Address: PO Box 368, Beach, ND 58621-0368

Phone: 701-872-4161

Fax: 701-872-3801


Grades 9-12, 100 students enrolled in 2023

Superintendent: Jessica Geis

Principal: Taryn Sveet

Athletic Director: Mike Zier

Activities Director: Mike Zier

School Song: Beach High School March

School Colors: Royal Blue, Gold

Mascot: Buccaneers

Sport/Activity Offering Coaches
Boys' Cross Country Jadah Kerr
Girls' Cross Country Jadah Kerr
Football Mike Zier
Girls' Golf (B)
Volleyball Taryn Sveet
Boys' Basketball Erik Kautzman, Ben Baker
Girls' Basketball Kari Baker
Boys' Wrestling (Coop: Bowman County) Jeff Boynton
Girls' Wrestling (Coop: Bowman County) Jeff Boynton
Baseball (Coop: Dickinson) Pete Dobitz
Boys' Golf Erik Kautzman
Boys' Track and Field
Girls' Track and Field Mike Zier
Music - Instrumental Kirstyn Bohn
Music - Vocal Kirstyn Bohn
Play Angela Helsper
Speech Angela Helsper

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