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Newburg High School

Address: 400 Libbie Street, Newburg, ND 58762-0427

Mailing Address: PO Box 427, Newburg, ND 58762

Phone: 701-272-6151

Fax: 701-272-6117


Grades 9-12, 23 students enrolled in 2023

Principal: Bob Beaudrie

Athletic Director: Bob Beaudrie

Counselor: Courtney Arnason

School Song: On Wisconsin

School Colors: Red, Blue

Mascot: Eagles

Sport/Activity Offering Coaches
Boys' Cross Country (Coop: Bottineau) Colette Guariglia
Girls' Cross Country (Coop: Bottineau) Colette Guariglia
Football (Coop: Westhope/Newburg/Glenburn) Anthony Lee, Layne Fluhrer
Girls' Golf (B) (Coop: Westhope/Newburg) Josh Lee
Volleyball (Coop: Westhope/Newburg) Ali Jankowski
Boys' Basketball (Coop: Westhope/Newburg) Anthony Lee
Girls' Basketball (Coop: Westhope/Newburg) Bob Beaudrie
Boys' Ice Hockey (Coop: Bottineau-Rugby) Jesse Nostdahl
Boys' Wrestling (Coop: Velva) Brock Nagel, Chad Barstad
Girls' Wrestling (Coop: Velva) Brock Nagel, Chad Barstad
Baseball (Coop: Renville County Muskrats) Henry Savelkoul
Boys' Golf (Coop: Westhope/Newburg) Anthony Lee
Girls' Softball (Coop: Renville County Mavericks) Garrett Wible
Boys' Track and Field (Coop: Westhope/Newburg) Sydnie Nelson
Girls' Track and Field (Coop: Westhope/Newburg) Sydnie Nelson
Music - Instrumental Kyla Burnett
Music - Vocal Kyla Burnett
Speech (Coop: Westhope/Newburg) Allison Montgomery

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