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Rugby High School

Address: 1123 S Main, Rugby, ND 58368

Mailing Address: 1123 S Main, Rugby, ND 58368

Phone: 701-776-5201

Fax: 701-776-5091


Grades 9-12, 210 students enrolled in 2023

Superintendent: Michael McNeff

Principal: Jared Blikre

Athletic Director: Scott Grochow

School Song: Across the Field

School Colors: Orange, Black

Mascot: Panthers

Sport/Activity Offering Coaches
Cheer - Football
Boys' Cross Country (Coop: Rugby) Bill Jansen
Girls' Cross Country (Coop: Rugby) Bill Jansen
Football Tyler Green
Girls' Golf (B) (Coop: Rugby) Angie Zietz
Volleyball Jessica Fritz
Boys' Basketball Travis Risovi
Girls' Basketball Jen Brossart
Cheer - Boys' Basketball
Cheer - Wrestling
Boys' Ice Hockey (Coop: Bottineau-Rugby) Jesse Nostdahl
Boys' Wrestling (Coop: Rugby) Craig Zachmeier
Girls' Wrestling Chris Brossart
Baseball (Coop: Rugby) Travis Risovi
Boys' Golf Mike Santjer
Girls' Softball (Coop: Rugby) Olivia Erpelding
Boys' Track and Field (Coop: Rugby) Scott Grochow
Girls' Track and Field (Coop: Rugby) Bill Jansen
Music - Instrumental Kari Hill
Music - Vocal Andee Mattson, Kari Hill
Play Shannon Miller, Trista Busche
Speech (Coop: Rugby) Michael Hurly

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