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Classifieds - Officials Needed

    Drayton, ND Speech Judges Needed

    by Jamie Rarick

    Call for Judges in NE ND: Drayton Public School is seeking judges for an upcoming speech tournament to be held on Saturday, March 8th, in Drayton, ND. If you are interested in judging, please contact Jamie Rarick at Thank you!

    Region 9 Speech Regionals - Stanley

    by Amanda Hinkle

    Stanley is looking for anyone interested in judging at Regional Speech on April 12th in Stanley. For more details, please contact Amanda Hinkle at Thank you.

    Judges Needed

    by Andria Juarez

    Hello! North Star School in Cando will be hosting a Speech Meet on Jan. 18th. We are looking for any judges that would be available to help. We pay $75 for your participation and you receive a free meal. Please get in touch with Andria Juarez at if you are available to help or if you have any questions.

    Track/ X-Country

    by Evelyn Brown

    There isn't an option in the officials registration here to list/pay for Cross Country or Track and Field like there is for the other sports. After we've completed the clinic and testing, how do we get signed up for events? Thanks in Advance, -E Brown

    sub for Alexis

    by Peter Zappe

    Alexis, I can sub for you if needed my contact into is Peter Zappe 701-330-4394

    Volleyball Offical

    by Alexis Schroeder

    Hello, I'm currently looking so someone to fill in on Oct 19 at Standing Rock Vs New Town ABCJH starting at 1pm Ct. We have a cousin wedding in Jamestown that day that I'd like to attend. Please let me know if you are available. Your partner would be Kayla Hewitt. Thanks

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