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Using the Student Import Template

How to use the Student Import Template

Filling in the template

Method 1 - PowerSchool:

  1. Login to your PowerSchool admin portal
  2. Select desired students (currently all students grades 7-12 are required)
  3. Under Functions, select Importing & Exporting
  4. Under Exporting, select Export Using a Template
    1. Type of Export:  Students
    2. Export Template:  NDHSAA Fall Export 2023
    3. For Which Records:  The Selected ### Students
  5. Submit
  6. Navigate to the student.export on your computer, often in Downloads folder.
  7. Open with Excel
    1. Column F:  Fill in the YEAR student entered 9th grade
    2. Column J:  IF you have a student that transferred to your school THIS year, enter school student transferred from
  8. Save file and email to
  • If you encounter any issues or need assistance with PowerSchool, please submit a support ticket to

Method 2:

  1. Download the template (.xlsx file) from the Forms page.
  2. Fill in the form.
  • Note: The 'Year entered 9th grade field' should only be filled in for new 9th graders, and should be the year they began 9th grade, i.e. "2021".
  • Note: While they should be submitted on the import, Transfer and Foreign Exchange will not be imported and you should use the Transfer or Foreign Exchange forms to add these students.

Transfer Students

Foreign Exchange Students

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