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Constitution & By-Laws

Part II By-Laws of the North Dakota High School Activities Association

Article I: Conduct of Meetings, Rules or Order


Time and place of meetings: Meetings of the Representative Assembly shall be held in accordance with the provisions of Article VII, Sections I and II of the Constitution, and shall be at an hour and place as determined by the Board, and such time and place shall be specified in the notice of meeting sent to each member school at least two weeks prior to the date of meeting.

SECTION II: Call to order:

At the stated hour of the meeting the President shall take the chair, call the members to order and on the appearance of a quorum, and proceed to business.

SECTION III: Representatives:

Only those who are official Representatives holding the signed delegate cards shall be seated and permitted to participate in the business of the Assembly, unless specifically empowered to do so by the President.


Fifty Representatives shall constitute a quorum.

SECTION V: Committees:

  • All committees, whether standing or special, shall be appointed by the President unless otherwise provided by the Representative Assembly.
  • A nominating committee, consisting of not less than three nor more than five members, shall be appointed by the President at least two weeks prior to the annual meeting of the Representative Assembly for the purpose of nominating members to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors as provided in Article V, Section II of the Constitution.
  • The nominating committee shall submit two nominees for each vacancy and the Representatives shall have the power to make additional nominations from the floor.


Adoption of Committee Reports of committees shall be considered in their proper place in the order of business and where reports are of such a nature that a vote is necessary for adoption, the President shall determine the manner of voting provided that no action may be taken on committee reports except in a regular or special meeting of the Representative Assembly, and provided further, that any member may call for a recorded vote by member schools if he/she is not satisfied with the method of voting selected by the President. If such member is sustained in his/her request by a majority of the members present, a recorded vote shall be taken.


No motion shall be debated until the same shall have been seconded and put by the Chair; and if desired by any member, motions shall be reduced to writing, delivered to the President, and read before the same shall be debatable.


No member shall speak more than once on the same questions without leave of the presiding officer, unless he/she is the author of the matter pending, in which case he/she shall be permitted to speak in reply, and provided further, that no member shall speak more than a total five minutes on any question.

SECTION IX: Robert's Rules of Order:

Where not specifically provided for in the rules of order, all matters or parliamentary procedure shall be governed by Robert's Rules of Order.

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