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Constitution & By-Laws

Part II By-Laws of the North Dakota High School Activities Association

Article XII: Athletic Pre-Participation Health History Screening and Physical Examination


Prior to participation (including practice), a student participating in NDHSAA sanctioned athletic activities and representing his/her school must have on file with the superintendent, principal, athletic director or school nurse an annual NDHSAA-approved Athletic Pre-Participation Health History Screening and Physical Examination form completed by a qualified health care professional (i.e. Doctor of Medicine or Osteopathy, Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant under the supervision of a physician); the Athletic Pre-Participation Health History Screening and Physical Examination is valid for one school year; a physical examination completed before April 15 is not valid for participation the following school year. (October 2010)


A physical examination is required by a Medical Doctor, Doctor of Osteopathy, Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant. The front page (the health history screening) is to be completed by the student and parent/guardian. The back of the physical examination form is to be completed by the individual conducting the physical examination.

INTERPRETATIONS SECTION I of Article XII -- Athletic Pre-Participation Health History Screening and Physical Examination

  • This Article requires a physical examination as stated in Article XII of all prospective athletes. Parental consent is required before any athlete is permitted to participate in high school athletics. The purpose of this section of the By-Laws is to protect the athlete from undiscovered physical weaknesses, which might be aggravated by strenuous physical activity and also to protect the school administration from possible legal action charging negligence in permitting participation without a doctor's certificate of fitness. School administrators will keep records of the signed clearance form. Schools may accept electronically signed clearance forms verifiying an approved Preparticipation Physical Evaluation form was completed.

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