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Constitution & By-Laws

Part II By-Laws of the North Dakota High School Activities Association

Article II: Classification of Schools

(Note: Official enrollment counts for Article II will be taken from the Fall numbers reported to the DPI. The "School Enrollments" portion of Article III, Section XI, will determine classifications for cooped activities.)

SECTION I: Class A Schools:

  • This group shall consist of all member high schools with a total enrollment of 325 or over, and/or an enrollment of 160 or more pupils in an all-male school in grades 9-12, inclusive as of October 1, 1974, plus any member high school that elects to choose Class A as provided in paragraph (b), (c) and (d) herewith.
  • Any high school with a total enrollment between 200 and 324 in grades 9-12, inclusive on October 1, 1974, may elect to join Class A for interscholastic competition by written notice to the Board of Directors of the North Dakota High School Activities Association before January 1, 1975.
  • After classes are established on January 1, 1975, a member school having a total enrollment of more than 199 and less than 325 in grades 9-12, inclusive must give two years notice to the Board of Directors to change its classification. Such choice must be made not later than September 1st of any year and shall become effective with the opening of the fall term two years later. Schools that elect to become Class A schools must remain in that classification for a minimum of three years before they may again apply for reclassification. Provided further, when the total high school enrollment in grades 9-12 drops below 325, and/or the enrollment in an all-male school in grades 9-12 drops below 160, that school shall have one year of grace in which to choose its class of competition. Should an A school drop below 200 in enrollment in grades 9-12 and continue below 200 for two consecutive years, this school must be reclassified as a B school. Should a school rise above 324 in enrollment in grades 9-12, inclusive and continue above that figure for two consecutive years, this school must be classified as an A school unless waived by the NDHSAA Board of Directors upon a showing that the projected enrollment in grades 9-12 will be less than 325 in the first year of such reclassification as an A school.
  • Should a new high school be established in an existing district or area, whose enrollment in grades 9-12, inclusive, exceeds 324, the two year waiting period stated in paragraph (c) above shall be waived and the school shall be immediately classified as an A school.


Class B School: All member high schools, other than those designated Class A, shall be classified as Class B schools.


Where there are two classes or divisions for competition in NDHSAA sponsored events, school classification (325 and above for class A, 324 and below for Class B) will be used and member schools must compete within their school classification (325 and above for class A, 324 and below for class B) in NDHSAA regional and state events. (January 2010)


The Board of Directors of the North Dakota High School Activities Association is authorized to combine classes in all athletic or non-athletic contests and festivals if it appears expedient and desirable. (Oct. 2007)

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